How to Embed Images using Facebook and Pinterest

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How to Embed Images using Facebook and Pinterest

Post by admin » Wed Dec 04, 2019 3:53 pm

How to Embed Images
I know that there has been some confusion about embedding images. I hope that this will make that easier for everyone. 

To start off with: 

Why are we learning to embed images?

The reason is because some of the classes, like the Gods and Goddesses Studies, require you to make a project that helps you commune with each God and Goddess. The Cleansing Methods classes and many others, ask you to take pictures of your herbal creations, of recipes and more.

Do I need to post a picture of myself?

Absolutely not! It can be of you, but you can also post pictures of your pets, your garden, from a walk from whenever ago, even vacation pictures! If you prefer to keep your privacy intact, please choose something to do so!

How DO I embed a picture?!


First, choose the picture you want to post. Click on the options and select View Full Size or right click on the image and open the photo in a new tab.  HOWEVER PLEASE NOTE IF YOU USE InternetExplorer YOU WILL NOT HAVE THIS OPTION!!!
Copy your link. It should look similar to this: ... =5BAD43E4

Obviously your link will look different from mine.

Next, highlight your link and look at the buttons just below the title of the forum you are posting on. Find the button that looks like a picture, which is the 9th button over. Also, be sure that you are in the Full Editor screen. The buttons will not appear in the Quick Reply setting. Click on that button. You will see [ img ] at the beginning and [ / img ] at the end. (Please note I had to add spaces to the code so they would appear! Don't put the spaces in when you physically type the code in.) Hit the preview button to make sure the photo actually shows up!


You will follow pretty much the same instructions as Facebook users, so please go back and read those as well. Select the picture you want to post and make sure you cant swipe to the next photo. I had to click on it twice. You can also see if one of the options on the photo is a website link. It should end in .jpg

Your link should look similar to this: ... 8e829d.jpg

Once you highlight the code and hit the Image button, it will look like this:


Please note: If you use google photos to host your picture it will show up for you but NOT for others. Google is not a valid option.

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Amber Mackenzie
Phoenix Council
Posts: 430
Joined: Sat Jun 23, 2018 12:06 pm

Re: How to Embed Images using Facebook and Pinterest

Post by Amber Mackenzie » Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:18 pm

If you are using Pinterest for your host, you will need to upload your image as a pin.
To help with that here is a link to the Pinterest "how to" create a pin.
LINK: ... our-photos

For the URL, I use the school. That url is
When you get to the option to choose a board for your pin you can create a secret board just for your TMCS school work. I use that one for so many of the things I would post in my homework blog.
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-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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