How to Search the Forum Boards
Up at the top of the main page of the forum boards is a search box, simply put what you are looking for in the box and it will search the forum board for that specific word.
These basic searches are also found at the top of every forum board, and it will simply search that specific board for posts that include that word or phrase.
To get a more advanced search of the full forum or specific boards, next to the magnify glass is an icon that looks like a cog or flower. Clicking on this will take you to more advanced searching options. From here you can search for specific key words or authors (remember though when we moved the forums in the Resource Library the author is not necessarily the actual author but the person who moved the post)
You can also search in specific forums or topics this way. This will also give you part of each of the posts that match your search criteria. When you find a post you want to view click the title of the post and it will take you right to it!