Orientation Journal Experience

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Amber Mackenzie
Phoenix Council
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Orientation Journal Experience

Post by Amber Mackenzie » Wed Mar 20, 2019 11:50 am

Thread for the Journal examples!
Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can make anything happen.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Amber Mackenzie
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Crafting Club Meeting

Post by Amber Mackenzie » Wed Mar 20, 2019 11:50 am

December 8th, 2018
Crafting Club Meet and Greet

Yesterday I attended a meeting of the crafting club in the meeting hall. I wasn’t really sure what to expect since it was the first meeting I have attended, but I am really into crafting. I knit and sew and felt, so I had a hunch that I might enjoy joining this club. Going to the meeting, I hope to get to know the club moderator and some of the members. Now, the first thing I noticed was that Wendy, the club moderator was late. She came in 5 minutes after the start of the meeting since she had forgotten to set an alarm and was still grading, which is kind of funny to me, since I tend to do that as well, forgetting to set an alarm that is, not grading. After a couple of welcoming words, the chat soon turned to handmade Yule and Christmas gifts and there were so many great ideas that I can’t wait to try. I was a bit shy initially and it was hard at times to keep up with the chat, but the creative energy in the room was amazing. We talked about crafts we can do with our kids, like gingerbread houses, salt dough ornaments and felt ornaments, and also about using wood burning to make our own set of runes. Another topic was replacing more store-bought presents by handmade ones, but we all agreed time is an issue!
Overall, it was a great experience and I can’t wait to join the club and exchange ideas and project pictures.

(259 words without the header, which you don't have to add, of course, just wanted to give you an idea about the length of this entry)
Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can make anything happen.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Amber Mackenzie
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Magic Music Video

Post by Amber Mackenzie » Wed Mar 20, 2019 11:51 am

December 9th, 2018
Magic Music video by Savanna Moon

For the video assignment I decided to listen to a music video, because I am intrigued how the purpose of the school, to teach us something, goes together with the idea of creating a music video. I chose the “Magic” music video by Savanna, because I hope that it will either contain music that is magickal or will contain information about what magick is in her opinion. I made sure I was undisturbed for a couple minutes, the video is only 3 minutes long, so that didn’t really cause any problems and started the video.
My first impression was that the music was very soothing, kind of like a warm hug, but then the first image was that of the Wiccan Rede, which I was not overly impressed with as I am not Wiccan. Then there were a couple slides about the Pentagram and Pentacle and the Elemental Pentagram followed by the Elemental correspondences. Then there was information about the God and Goddess as well as the Witches calendar, altars and alphabets and short instructions on how to make your own Runes. I was intrigued and a bit disappointed, because on the one hand it was an informational video, which I had hoped for, and I did enjoy the music, but the information provided only wet my appetite and now I want to know more. Some slides were also a bit blurry and I had to pause the video to be able to read it.
But it was a nice introductory video and I enjoyed listening to it.

(257 words without the header, which you don't have to add, of course, just wanted to give you an idea about the length of this entry)
Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can make anything happen.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Amber Mackenzie
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Urban Legends 101

Post by Amber Mackenzie » Wed Mar 20, 2019 11:51 am

December 9th, 2018
Urban Legends 101

This was probably the hardest assignment of the three, because it took me forever to decide on one class, I was interested in that was not currently being rewritten. Initially, I was interested in the Dreamwork classes. Dreams are a huge part of my life, I remember them often and would like to work more with them, but since that category was empty, meaning the class is currently hidden from students as it is being rewritten, I had to move on.
Another category which is super interesting to me is Mythology and Folklore. I love researching legends and finding out how much truth and how much embellishment is in them. So, I chose this category and there are many interesting classes, but the one I immediately felt drawn to was Urban Legends 101. Now, I haven’t taken any classes with Jen Piccirillo yet, but I know she teaches Orientation 103, so I will be familiar with her by the time I am ready for regular classes. I also don’t need any items or other certs besides the Orientation, so that is a huge plus! I also really love the Urban Legend movie, it is one of my favorite guilty pleasure movies. From the legends mentioned in the description I only know the Bloody Mary one and oh boy, I can’t wait to write my own! That is fascinating. The class has definitely moved to the top of my Class I Want to Take list!

(244 words without the header, which you don't have to add, of course, just wanted to give you an idea about the length of this entry)
Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can make anything happen.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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